Recordings intended for an external audience are hosted on CGU Live, a YouTube channel created to store and share university events captured on Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms. CGU Live allows presenters to capture and share events and presentations.

Presenters are responsible for recording, editing, captioning, and providing the required information for videos to be hosted on CGU Live. The Office of Marketing & Communications will upload completed projects to CGU Live and supply a shareable link to the posted video. MarCom does not offer video editing or captioning services.

Requirements for submitting a video to be posted on CGU Live YouTube:

  • A title for the video
  • A brief description to accompany your video—be sure to include the date of the event
  • A determination of whether the video is to be private (accessible only by direct link) or public (publicly searchable and findable on YouTube).
  • Link to your video file from a shareable folder (such as OneDrive)
  • An associated ADA-compliant captions file*

Please note:

  • You will not be able to submit your video without all of these components, so please gather all information before you begin to fill out this form.
  • Marketing & Communications does not assist with editing or captioning, so your video file and captions file need to be complete when submitted.
  • Once posted, edits and revisions are not possible. The only solution is to request the video be taken down and resubmitted. (This is a YouTube constraint. Replacing a video also means that the link to the new video will be different than the link to the old video.)
  • California law requires that individuals must be informed in advance of any audio and/or video recording. Everyone who speaks and/or appears in the video should be advised of recording and provide express permission for recording and future distribution and viewing of the recording.
  • Your video content must represent the values of the university.

Request Video Upload to CGU Live

*All material must be ADA-compliant and follow ADA best practices, as defined by Marketing & Communications. Platform-generated captions (e.g. YouTube automatic captions) are not ADA compliant. Requesting department must secure external captioning.

The following captioning services are recommended: